Online Business Journey

Welcome to Online Business Journey!

Your Journey To Online Success Starts Here...

Let's be upfront from the beginning...

To build a successful business online is a journey and it won't be a smooth journey. There will be road blocks and challenges along the way.

Everyone (without exception) who had achieved success online went through a journey. It's a process every successful entrepreneur must go through. There is a price to pay for success.

Most people started their business online by focusing on the destination. They focus on the PRIZE before paying the PRICE. That's why so many FAIL!

In fact, more than 95% of people started their online business FAIL! The statistic is not pretty. But this is the FACT we want to inform you upfront.

You see, building a business is not a casual undertaking. The odds are stacked against you. If you want to be successful, you must be willing to face the odds, take the challenges and removing road blocks along the way. If you're not willing to face the odds; then work for others (or stay as an employee). There is nothing wrong to work for others; it's just a CHOICE we make in our life.

The purpose of this site is to take you through the online business journey. It serves as a roadmap to guide you in your journey. Every successful entrepreneur has a roadmap. Without a roadmap is like going through a jungle without a map and compass.

I'm not a guru and I'm still learning everyday. Like most people, I started my online business part-time. For the first 6 months, I have gone through a "frantic learning" experience.

I have spent over $10,000 on money making products that promise to reveal the SECRETS of success online.

It's a good learning experience but like I mentioned it's a FRANTIC one. I just couldn't get my FOCUS. I kept chasing for the so called SECRET.

Until one fine day...

I realize that the SECRET does NOT exist! And I had vowed to stop chasing it. And thank GOD I did.

Believe me when I say there is really no secret to online success. What it does have is a FORMULA. Different people may use different formula. But you must find one that works for you and use it everyday. That will be your roadmap.

The formula that works for me falls under two STRATEGIES:

1. Using Pay Per Click (PPC).

2. Building Theme Based Websites.

I use PPC for instant targeted traffic to sell products online. I don't sell every single product that comes up on internet, the trick is to do a thorough analysis and choose products that have low competition and high demand. Building theme-based websites is my long-term strategy. Theme based websites need time to grow and if done right they can serve as good income generators for you in the future.

All my daily activities related to online business will fall under these two strategies.

You will discover or stumble upon a formula that works for you during your journey. Once you've found it, stick with it and ignore all the HYPE and NOISES out there. Only evaluate those products that can fit into your formula or strategy.

Whatever formula that works for you, it must always blend into the following MAIN processes...

1. Market Research (find out what people WANT).

2. Keyword Research (find out what keyword phrases people use to search for things online).

3. Site Building (build a site that uses the data from your market and keyword research).

4. Promotion or Traffic Generation (get visitors or potential buyers to your site).

5. Monetization (turn your visitors into buyers).

So, anytime when you come across a new product, you must always ask if the product can help you improve the above processes and does it fit into your strategies? If it can't fit, dump it!

Please feel free to explore this site and come back often as I will be adding lots of useful information, tips and techniques about how to build a successful online business on a regular basis.

Your Online Business Journey starts here...

See you around...

Best wishes,

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